Cholm 1942 to IndexArticles

Updated: Dec 30th, 2000

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Cholm was surrounded by the Russians in the spring of 1942 for 105 days. The defenders had only 5,500 soldiers of various origin. Commanded by Generalmajor Scherer, this small group defended the city for more than three months until evacuated! I like this handsome, cheerful and tough general - he was loved by every one of his men! Here is the general at a still moment. In this picture the general stands with Polizei-Rottwachtmeister Schlimmer (right) who designed Cholmschild later. He drew map of Cholm for the book Kampfgruppe Scherer - 105 Tage eingeschlossen. On the left is probably the cameraman Richard Muck who took almost all photos we enjoy today. Can you confirm that he is Muck? Your confirmation is welcome! These pictures are from the photo album presented to Hauptmann der Schützpolizei Krull - holder of Cholmschild and DKiG.

Cholm was finally linked to german lines on May 5th by StuG.Abt.184 with 122.Infanterie-Division. Here is a photo of Gen.Maj. Scherer reporting at a conference back home.

A photo album of the member of the StuG.Abt. describes their life and struggle from pre-war to Cholm days. Here you can see a StuG from the batallion near Cholm - gun 203. Here is another picture. This member must have been from the second company, because there are also photos of the Ritterkreuzträger Major Hohenhausen. This very gun "203" was one of the two guns which liberated Cholm!

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